06. Navigating directories (ls, cd, ..)

Navigating directories

Managing your directories and file structure in your computer or servers is an important skill you need to use in the development and deployment phases in your Web development.

In this concept, we are going to show you how to use the Shell with multiple commands to navigate and organize your files.

Use the workspace below the video to practice the commands and remember to practice locally in your computer too.

Ud206 006 Shell P3 - Navigating Directories


  • ls: List the files in the directory.
  • cd: Move to a different directory.

## Instructor Notes

If you are using the Git Bash on Windows you will find that some of your directories have spaces in the name like My Pictures in this case you need to use the command in this way cd 'My Pictures'.

## Workspace

You can use this workspace to test your commands


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.

ls and cd

Which of these commands would list the contents of the Pictures directory?
Mark all that are correct.

  • `ls Pictures`
  • `cd Pictures; ls`
  • `ls Pictures/../Pictures`


The Shell commands can be installed or not on your computer if you are using Linux or Mac and you have issues running the commands check the documentation specifically for the Operating System.